Diet culture permeates American society–even in our safest of places. It lurks in schools, playground conversations, medical offices, and even in our places of worship.Leslie Schilling, a registered dietitian joins the conversation to shed light on the pervasive impact of diet culture, especially within faith communities. Drawing from her experiences in Las Vegas, Leslie delves into the complexities of addressing disordered eating and dismantling the deeply ingrained diet culture that permeates various aspects of society.

The discussion encompasses the profound influence of societal pressures and the detrimental effects of diet culture on individuals, particularly its intersection with religious spaces and its connection to misogyny. Critiquing the Body Mass Index (BMI) and advocating for challenging unnecessary weight checks with healthcare professionals becomes a focal point of the conversation.

The main theme of this episode revolves around valuing health without succumbing to strict dieting, prioritizing mental well-being, embracing joyful movement, and the imperative need to detox from the toxic grip of diet culture. The discussion emphasizes the adverse impact of social media on body image and advocates for promoting realistic body standards while debunking the myths perpetuated by diet culture.

Check out Leslie’s website here!